The current set of tools I’m using personally and for work. Subject to change all the time. 


Privacy - Kanary, 1Password 

Email - Gmail 

Calendar - Fantastical, 

Notes - Apple Note, Obsidian 

Photo Editing - Mojo, Made, Unfold 

Social -   Lapse

Phone - Iphone 12

Scheduling -  Google Calendar 

Writing -   Scrivener 


Email - ProtonMail 

Docs, Calendar, Files - Google, 

Video -  Whereby 

Banking - Mercury 

Presentations - Pitch, Keynote 

Calendar - SaavyCal 

AI (in progress)

Search - Perplexity, 

Meetings & Documentation - Fathom.AI, Loom

Agents - Embra, 

Imagination & Play - Luma, 

Strategy  - Globe Explorer,  IdeaApe

Video - OpusClip, 

Updated July 24, 2024.