I’m Working on:
- my tenure as a 2024 Global Ford Fellow, thinking around narrative, culture, capital, and borderless institutions with necessary boundaries.
- Building a public research layer about media and money with my best friend, Carl. We’re trying to deliver research and insights to an audience that is starved for time and hungry for knowledge they can use.
I’m Thinking About:
- How to build better infrastructure for emergent creative ecosystems
- What it means to embrace a maker and manager schedule
- Compounding consistency over time with new things and opportunities
- What does it mean to build an institution to operates like a fund, ships like a publisher, and convenes like a festival?
- New funding models for creativity, creators, and AI as augmentation. What they look like, how they operate, and what capitalization looks like
I’m Reading:
The Business of Expertise - David Baker
Playing Well With Others - Eric Barker
- A Secular Age - Charles Taylor
- Amusing Ourselves to Death - Neil Postman
- Win Without Pitching - Blair Enns
- Quiet - Susan Cain
I’m Learning
How to Design Visually - Janis Olins
Network Effects - NFX
Mental Mastery - Ramit Sethi
Updated January 14th, 2025. Page inspired by Zim Flores.